Diabetes Services
You may be unaware that there are different types of diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes (also known as juvenile diabetes) occurs when the body does not make insulin. Producing insulin is what helps the body convert glucose from food to energy. If you are a type 1 diabetic you will need to take insulin on a daily basis.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body does not make or use insulin very well. People diagnosed as type 2 diabetics generally require pills or insulin. Type 2 is also the most commonly diagnosed form of diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is a condition that sometimes happens during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes can increase the chances of developing other types of diabetes for the rest of the woman’s life. It may also increase the infant’s chances of being overweight and developing diabetes.
Everyone diagnosed with diabetes needs to be extremely diligent about choosing nutritious food options, maintaining a healthy weight and staying as fit as possible with exercise. Caring for yourself and your diabetes is the first step to feeling better. Dedicated personal maintenance may also help deter other diabetes related health issues such as-
- Damage to nerves, causing numbness in hands and feet
- Impaired sight or blindness
- Diseased gums and tooth loss
- Impaired kidney function that may result in kidney failure
A person with a normal blood glucose level will generally-
- Be much more energetic
- Feel less fatigued, less thirsty and will not need to urinate as frequently.
- Incur less problems with their feet, gums and eyes.
- Tend to heal at a faster rate with fewer instances of bladder or skin infections.
Blood Sugar Logs
Helpful Links:
American Diabetes Association
National Diabetes Education Program
American Dietetic Association
National Diabetes Education Initiative
Diabetes self-management
Diabetes FAQs